provides access to quality education, focusing on tertiary education for underprivileged students


person holding camera lens
person holding camera lens


a man sitting on a bench with a laptop
a man sitting on a bench with a laptop


a boat in the water
a boat in the water



The scholarship program offers disadvantaged students the opportunity to pursue postsecondary education, removing financial barriers that might otherwise hinder their educational aspirations. Zahara Trust recognizes higher education as a powerful force for positive transformation, affecting individuals, families, communities, and nations alike.

We firmly believe that financial constraints should not impede a student's journey toward their goals. Therefore, this trust serves as a platform for generous members to contribute funds and grant scholarships to these deserving, underserved students.


Grateful for given the scholarship to complete my college degree. Now, I'm in a stable job and able to support my sister to study in the same college.

Ibram - First Scholarship Recipient

Thank you so much for selecting me as the ASM Raihanammal scholarship recipient. I am very grateful to receive this award as it helped me to pay for college.

Sidhiq - Scholarship Recipient

a man standing next to a body of water
a man standing next to a body of water
person holding black academic hat
person holding black academic hat


The founder inspired to provide education scholarship in South India after witnessing his grandmother's generosity and kindness in helping those in need. He has chosen education sector since he truly believes in the concept of:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

He has been continuously providing financial support for underprivileged students to further into tertiary education: bachelor, master and PhD degrees since 2014 and he has been continuously providing this scholarship under his late grandmother, Madam ASM Raihanammal.

His intention is now to create a platform for more people to join the same cause and provide more needy students with an opportunity to study in tertiary education, and eventually to transform this world into a better place together

Lets teach a kid to fish, rather than give him/her the fish. -zaim-